Food Bank and Distribution Center
Manna’s Food Bank annually distributes nearly one million pounds of low cost and free food to 47 partner food pantries, community meal sites, and other agencies in Antrim, Charlevoix, and Emmet counties.
As a Partner Distribution Organization with Feeding America West Michigan, Manna is able to purchase a variety of food items at an average cost of $.08 per pound and receives USDA food at no charge. A semi-truck delivery every other week re-stocks the warehouse shelves at Manna. Each delivery can deliver up to 42,000 pounds of food, ranging from bulk cereals and grains to fresh cheese and frozen goods. Partner agencies then “shop” Manna’s Food Bank to meet the unique needs of their community.
Through Manna’s “Produce for People” initiative, Manna has been able to purchase farm-fresh produce directly from local growers at or below wholesale prices. Partner agencies then receive a portion of the fruits and vegetables free of charge based on the number of households they serve. The program has vastly improved the quality and nutritional value of the supplemental food give to those among us who need it most.